Lady Penelope Campion never met a lost or wounded creature she wouldn’t take into her home and her heart. When her imposing—and attractive—new neighbor demands she clear out the rescued animals, Penny sets him a challenge. She will part with her precious charges, if he can find them loving homes. Gabriel Duke, who clawed his way from the lowliest slums to the pinnacle of high society, finds this easier said than done. Soon he’s covered in cat hair, knee-deep in adorable, and bewitched by a shyly pretty spinster he can’t resist. There’s nothing that makes my heart happier than reading about puppies or horses getting saved by a rescue, or people falling in love because of their mutual kindness and caring for animals. It’s no surprise that I’m not alone, and there are hundreds of books (seriously, so many) out there with animals at their core, whether it’s a Western horse ranch, a Midwestern dog kennel, or a hometown zoo focused on saving as many endangered animals as possible. Note: This category is sadly lacking in authors of color, but you should check out these 22 Black Romance Novelists for more romance books to make you swoon! Here are five books to get you started reading heartwarming love stories featuring animals.

Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis

Lilah Young has lived in Idaho all her life, co-owner of the town’s only kennel. When pilot Brady Miller passes through, he cannot help but fall hard for Lilah and her goodhearted nature and kindness toward all her homeless animals.

Seduction, Westmoreland Style by Brenda Jackson

McKinnon Quinn is a seasoned horse breeder, and he sticks by his number one rule: no women on his ranch. When Casey Westmoreland applies to train horses, he turns her down instantly. But Casey isn’t going away that easily, and she is determined to change his mind.

Wild on My Mind by Laurel Kerr

A single father and owner of the Sagebrush Flats Zoo, Bowie is focused mainly on his budget and raising his daughter. But when former classmate (and nemesis) Katie Underwood discovers a litter of baby cougar cubs, the two must work together despite their mutual hatred to save the animals, and they just might not hate each other after all.

Shelter Me by Catherine Mann

Sierra McDaniel is constantly busy cleaning kennels at the family’s Second Chance Ranch Animal Rescue, so she doesn’t exactly want a dog of her own. But when Staff Sergeant Mike Kowalski returns from Iraq to hand off his fallen commander’s dog, Trooper, both Sierra and Mike will be a little surprised when neither of their plans turn out how they expected.

A Shared Range by Andrew Grey

Dakota Holden takes care of his family business full time, running the  Wyoming ranch while helping his father cope with multiple sclerosis. Soon he meets a veterinarian named Wally, who doesn’t like that Dakota has to shoot wolves to protect his cattle. But despite their differences, he and Dakota find they have a lot more in common, including an undeniable attraction to each other. You can also find a whole list of books featuring animals protecting their owners, and books with veterinarians, animal rescuers, and more.

5 of the Best Romance Novels for Animal Lovers - 875 of the Best Romance Novels for Animal Lovers - 85 of the Best Romance Novels for Animal Lovers - 765 of the Best Romance Novels for Animal Lovers - 275 of the Best Romance Novels for Animal Lovers - 815 of the Best Romance Novels for Animal Lovers - 455 of the Best Romance Novels for Animal Lovers - 23