The book that started a revolution—now a Netflix Original Film directed by Amy Poehler! In Jennifer Mathieu’s empowering novel, an unlikely teenager starts a feminist revolution at a small-town Texas high school. These are all great YA books to read after Moxie, but I’m also hoping for more great intersectional (and diverse!) stories of feminists awakenings and movements in YA in the coming years!

5 of the Best YA Books Like MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu - 65 of the Best YA Books Like MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu - 455 of the Best YA Books Like MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu - 515 of the Best YA Books Like MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu - 305 of the Best YA Books Like MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu - 545 of the Best YA Books Like MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu - 545 of the Best YA Books Like MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu - 55