Some notes and caveats: This is not a comprehensive list, and an omission of an award is in no way a judgement upon it. These are the ones I am most familiar with and that came up when I polled fellow SF/F aficionados (with especial thanks to Alex Acks, writer of our Swords and Spaceships newsletter). For a much more comprehensive list, check out the Science Fiction Awards+ Database (with thanks to the readers who sent that in!). This is also entirely organized around English-language publications and prizes, since that’s the only language I’m fluent in. (For now! Rosetta Stone is on my homescreen and I have Ambitions.) All the below information came from publicly available sources, with a preference for the awards’ sites; I have to note that it’s kind of surprising how many do not list basics (like, for example, what the prize literally is!). These have been organized by date first awarded, from most recent on, since many of these prizes have been around for decades and I wanted to show some love to the new folks on the scene.  Before we dive in, may I also present: Jenn’s Theory Of Why To Care About Awards. Let’s start with a given: all awards, no matter their voting system, are inherently subjective and biased. Whether it’s decided by a public popularity contest, a committee, or a single judge, literary merit is in the eye of the beholder. A book that has won science fiction or fantasy awards isn’t guaranteed to be great (for you) and a book that hasn’t won an award isn’t guaranteed to be a dud (for you). To quote S.R. Ranganathan: “Every book its reader.” So why should we care? Firstly, awards are a great starting point if you’re looking to dive into a specific type of SF/F. Maybe you are trying to read more inclusively, or you want to know more about Australian sci-fi, or need a good starting point for novelettes. Secondly, awards are a great way to spot trends in the genre. If you like knowing which books are making waves, which are getting lots of buzz and critical praise, which are considered to be the best current examples of what is happening, you can learn a lot from shortlists. This isn’t always, of course, fair or positive — fantasy and science fiction awards have a long history of rewarding a very specific kind of writer (read: white, male, cisgender, able-bodied), and the pushback when change comes can be extremely ugly. But if you want to be an active citizen in the SF/F community, it’s important to know what is currently valued in that community — especially if you want to help shift those values. Which brings me to my third reason: your nomination and/or vote might count! Several of these awards are open to public nominating, voting, or member-voting, with membership requiring a fee but no other professional or creative credentials. Your voice matters.  Now we all know why we’re here; let’s get into the nitty-gritty. I attempted to collect the same information for each fantasy and science fiction award, with minimal editorializing, although some is inevitable. That being said, “bragging rights” is my own language, and is a stand-in for “prestige and the glory of being able to put Award Winner and/or Nominee on your book cover and in your author bio,” which are not only valid prizes but can be career-changers for an author.

The Analog Award for Emerging Black Voices

Awarded by: Analog Science Fiction And Fact Magazine For: An unpublished short work of hard science fiction by a writer who customarily identifies as Black First awarded: 2021 (exciting!) Categories: Just the one When Are Finalists Announced: This has not yet happened When Are Winners Announced: During the Annual City Tech Symposium on Science Fiction (2021 date not yet announced) Nominating and Voting: Anyone can submit; entries will be judged by a committee of science fiction professionals selected by Analog Prize: Finalists will be chosen and awarded a mentorship session with Analog editors including a critique of their submission and a chance to ask questions about the field. In addition, the Magazine intends to purchase and publish the winning story in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, with the intent of creating a lasting relationship, including one year of monthly mentorship sessions and general support from Analog editors and judges. Plus, of course, bragging rights! More info here.

Ignyte Awards

Awarded by: FIYAHCON, FIYAH Lit Magazine First awarded: 2020 For: “The Awards seek to celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of the current and future landscapes of science fiction, fantasy, and horror by recognizing incredible feats in storytelling and outstanding efforts toward inclusivity of the genre.” Categories:  Best Novel — Adult Best Novel — YA Best in Middle Grade Best Novella Best Novelette Best Short Story Speculative Poetry Critics Award Best Fiction Podcast Best Artist Best Comics Team Best Anthology/Collected Works Best in Creative Nonfiction The Ember Award for Unsung Contributions to Genre Community Award for Outstanding Efforts in Service of Inclusion and Equitable Practice in Genre When Are Finalists Announced: Most recently, April of 2020 and 2021 When Are Winners Announced: At FIYAHCON, which this year will be held September 16–19, 2021 Nominating and Voting: Unclear on the nominating process, appears to be by committee; anyone can vote during the voting period Prize: Bragging rights and a medal More info

The Nommo Awards

Awarded by: The African Speculative Fiction Society For: Works of speculative fiction by Africans First awarded: 2016 Categories: Best Novel (The Ilube Nommo Award) Best Novella Best Short Story Best Graphic Novel  When Are Finalists Announced: End of May, generally When Are Winners Announced: At the Ake Festival in October Voting: Members of the ASFS nominate works and vote for winners Prize: Bragging rights, and: Ilube Award, $1000 USD Novella and Short Story, $500 USD Graphic Novel, $1000 USD to be shared More info

Imagining Indigenous Futurisms

Awarded by: The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA) For: Recognizing “emerging authors who use science fiction to address issues of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.”  First awarded: 2010 Categories: Just the one! When Are Finalists Announced: Unclear When Are Winners Announced: Generally at the ICFA Awards Banquet; announced online in January 2021 Nominating and Voting: No voting, the winner is selected by a prominent SF author in partnership with IAFA Prize: Bragging rights and $1,000 More info

The Kitchies

Awarded by: The Kitchies, a nonprofit association “promoting the discussion of genre literature in its many forms” For: The year’s most progressive, intelligent and entertaining fiction that contain elements of the speculative or fantastic, published in the UK First awarded: 2009 Categories: Red Tentacle (Novel) Golden Tentacle (Debut) Inky Tentacle (Cover Art) Black Tentacle (Special) When Are Finalists Announced: Varies When Are Winners Announced: Varies  Voting: Publishers and authors can submit their works for consideration by a panel of judges Prize: Bragging rights, £2,500 in prize money, and a hand-crafted Tentacle trophy More info

Shirley Jackson Awards

Awarded by: The Shirley Jackson Awards, Inc. For: Outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror, and the dark fantastic. First awarded: 2007 Categories: Best Novel Best Long Fiction (Novella) Best Mid-Length Fiction (Novelette) Best Short Fiction Best Collection Best Anthology When Are Finalists Announced: Tends to be in May, not yet announced for 2021 When Are Winners Announced: at Readercon, currently August 13–15, 2021 Nominating and Voting: Done by a jury of professional writers, editors, critics, and academics, with input from a Board of Advisors. Prize: Bragging rights More info

Heinlein Awards

Awarded by: The Baltimore Science Fiction Society, with funding from The Heinlein Society For: “Outstanding published works in science fiction and technical writings to inspire the human exploration of space.” Point of interest: can be given to more than one person! Or not at all. First awarded: 2003 Categories: Just the one When Are Finalists Announced: Unclear When Are Winners Announced: Most recently, March 3, 2021; formally awarded at Balticon, May 28, 2021 Nominating and Voting: “The award committee consists of science fiction writers […] As of 2013 the award is fully administered by, and funding ensured by, the Baltimore Science Fiction Society” Prize: A medallion with an image of Heinlein, along with two lapel pins and a certificate, plus bragging rights More info

Sir Julius Vogel Awards

Awarded by: Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand Inc (SFFANZ) For: Excellence in science fiction, fantasy, or horror works created by New Zealanders and New Zealand residents First awarded: 2002 Categories: Professional Categories: Best Novel Best Youth Novel Best Novella or Novelette Best Short Story Best Collected Work Best Artwork Dramatic Presentation Best Production/Publication Best New Talent Fan Categories: Best Fan Writing Best Fan Artwork Best Fan Production/Publication Special Awards: Services to Fandom Services to Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror When Are Finalists Announced: Varies When Are Winners Announced: After voting closes at the National Science Fiction convention of a given year Nominating and Voting: Anyone can nominate a work; voting is restricted to members of SFFANZ or the National Science Fiction convention in the given year Prize: Bragging rights and a trophy More info

The Aurealis Awards

Awarded by: The Continuation Foundation (ConFound) For: Works of speculative fiction by authors, editors and illustrators, who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, published in the last year First awarded: 1995 Categories: Science Fiction: Best Novel, Novella, Short Story Fantasy: Best Novel, Novella, Short Story Horror: Best Novel, Novella, Short Story Young Adult: Best Novel, Short Fiction Children’s Best Collection Best Anthology Best Illustrated Book/Graphic Novel Occasional: the Sara Douglass Book Series Award, the Convenors’ Award for Excellence When Are Finalists Announced: Most recently, March 31, 2021 When Are Winners Announced: At the Awards ceremony, details TK Nominating and Voting: Anyone can submit a work for nomination; a panel of judges decide on the finalists and winners. Judges are volunteers from the speculative fiction community, selected by the Awards management team.   Prize: Bragging rights and maybe a medallion? More info

Otherwise Award

Note: Formerly the Tiptree Award Awarded by: WisCon, a feminist science fiction & fantasy convention held annually For: Science fiction or fantasy that expands or explores our understanding of gender First awarded: 1991 Categories: Just the one When Are Finalists Announced: Unclear When Are Winners Announced: A month or so prior to WisCon; no WisCon will be held in 2021, and the Award for 2021 will be given in 2022 Voting: Anyone can nominate; the Award Motherboard appoints a panel of five jurors to choose the winner(s) Prize: Bragging rights, $1000, a piece of original art, chocolate, a plaque, a T-shirt, a SpaceBabe pin, and their trip to the ceremony More info

The Lambda Literary Awards, AKA the Lammys

Note: The Lammys are not a specifically speculative fiction prize, but they do award one prize for genre fiction Awarded by: Lambda Literary Foundation For: Literary merit and content relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer lives First awarded: 1989 Categories: LGBTQ Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror; novels, novellas, and short story collections are eligible but anthologies are not When Are Finalists Announced: Spring When Are Winners Announced: Summer Nominating and Voting: Anyone can submit a work for consideration; it is actually not specified on their site who judges! Prize: Bragging rights More info

Arthur C Clarke Awards

Awarded by: A partnership between the British Science Fiction Association, the Science Fiction Association, and the Sci-Fi London film festival For: The best science fiction novel first published in the United Kingdom during the previous year First awarded: 1987, established by a grant from the eponymous author Categories: Just the one!  When Finalists Announced: Most recently, June 18, 2020 When Winners Announced: Most recently, September 24, 2020 Voting: A panel of judges organized by the associations Prize: Bragging rights, an engraved bookend, and a prize consisting of a number of pounds sterling equal to the current year (which is an extremely fun detail IMO) More info

The Aurora Awards 

Awarded by: The Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (CSFFA) For: The best Canadian science fiction or fantasy professional and fan works and achievements from the previous year First awarded: 1980 Categories: Professional Categories: Best Novel Best Young Adult Novel Best Novelette/Novella Best Short Story Best Poem/Song Best Graphic Novel/Comic Best Visual Presentation Best Related Work Best Artist Fan Categories: Best Fan Writing and Publication Best Fan Organizational and Best Fan Related Work When Finalists Announced: Most recently, May 8, 2021 When Winners Announced: Currently at CAN*CON 2021, October 16–18, 2021 Nominating and Voting: All Canadians can nominate and/or vote once they’ve become a member, for an annual fee. “The official nominees are chosen by the awards committee from all of the works that have received at least 5 nominations by CSFFA members throughout the year, and then the shortlist is voted on by every member of the CSFFA.” Prize: Bragging rights More info

The Rhysling Award

Awarded by: The Science Fiction Poetry Association For: The best science fiction, fantasy, or horror poem of the year First awarded: 1978 Categories: Best Long Poem, Best Short Poem When Finalists Announced: After nominations have closed in February When Winners Announced: After the voting deadline in June Nominating and Voting: Nominees are selected by SFPA members, who then vote on all nominated works. Prize: Bragging rights More info

World Fantasy Awards

Awarded by: The World Fantasy Convention For: “The outstanding achievement in fantasy fiction published during the previous calendar year.” First awarded: 1975 Categories: Lifetime Achievement Novel Novella Short Fiction Anthology Collection Artist Special Award Professional Special Award Non-professional  When Are Finalists Announced: Not yet announced for 2021; in 2020, they were announced in July When Are Winners Announced: At the World Fantasy Convention, November 4–7, 2021 Voting: A panel of judges is organized by the Awards Administrators. “A ballot is posted in June for attendees of the current and previous two conferences to determine two of the finalists, with the two most-nominated selected, and a panel of five judges adds three or more nominees before voting on the overall winner.” (Sourced from Wikipedia, since I had trouble deciphering this.) 2021’s judges: Tobias Buckell, Siobhan Carroll, Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Brain Evenson, Patrick Swenson  Prize: Bragging rights and a trophy, notably redesigned in 2017 More info (Note: the site is not great and extremely out of date)

British Fantasy Award

Awarded by: The British Fantasy Society and the British Fantasy Convention For: Not explicitly stated, presumably the best works of fantasy and/or horror in a given category First awarded: 1972 Categories: Anthology Audio Artist Collection Comic/graphic novel Fantasy Novel Film/television production Horror novel Independent press Magazine/periodical Newcomer Non-fiction Novella Short fiction The Special Award When Finalists/Short List Announced: April When Winners Announced: usually September Nominating and Voting: Decided by a jury deliberating on a shortlist determined by the members of the Society Prize: Bragging rights and a trophy More info

Locus Awards

Note: Locus has shockingly little (basically zero) information about these on their site Awarded by: Locus Magazine For: One assumes, excellence in science fiction, fantasy, and horror First awarded: 1971 (Source: SFADB)  Categories: Science Fiction Novel Fantasy Novel Horror Novel Young Adult Novel First Novel Novella Novelette Short Story Anthology Collection Magazine Publisher Editor Artist Nonfiction Illustrated and Art Book  When Are Finalists Announced: Most recently, May 1, 2021 When Are Winners Announced: June 26, 2021 during the Locus Awards Weekend Voting: An annual Locus readers’ poll, formerly just subscribers but now open to all Prize: Bragging rights and a plaque or certificate More info here (sort of).

The BSFA Awards

Awarded by: The British Science Fiction Association For: “To honour the most worthy examples in each category, but also to promote the genre of science fiction, and get people reading, talking about, and enjoying all that contemporary science fiction has to offer.” First awarded: 1969 Categories: Novel Shorter Fiction Artwork Nonfiction When Finalists Announced: Most recently, February 2021 When Winners Announced: Most recently, April 2021 Nominating and Voting: Open to members of the BSFA; any fan can join for an annual membership fee Prize: Bragging rights  More info

Nebula Awards

Awarded by: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America First awarded: 1965 For: The best work in a given category, as judged by members of the SFWA Categories: Novel Novella Novelette Short Story Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction Dramatic Presentation Game Writing When Finalists Announced: Most recently, March 15, 2021 When Winners Announced: Most recently, at the Nebula Conference Online, June 4th–6th, 2021  Voting: The Nebula Awards® are voted on, and presented by, full members of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc.; membership eligibility is determined by a specific set of publication requirements, which you can find here Prize: Bragging rights and a very outer-spacey trophy More info

The Hugo Awards

Awarded by: World Science Fiction Convention (“Worldcon”) First awarded: 1953  For: Excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy Categories: Best Novel Best Novella Best Novelette Best Short Story Best Series Best Related Work Best Graphic Story or Comic Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form) Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) Best Editor (Long Form) Best Editor (Short Form) Best Professional Artist Best Semiprozine Best Fanzine Best Fancast Best Fan Writer Best Fan Artist The Lodestar Award (Not A Hugo, for YA SF/F) The Astounding Award for Best New Writer (Not A Hugo) When Finalists Announced: Usually April When Winners Announced: Usually at Worldcon; this year’s will be held on December 15–19, 2021 Voting: Members of the Worldcon; anyone can become a voting member for an annual fee Prize: Bragging rights and a statue of a chrome rocket ship More info

Got details I missed, awards you think I should have on my radar, or other feedback? Send it over to sffyeah at, especially since I’ll be talking about this and doing follow-ups on the SFF Yeah! podcast. Editor’s Note: The “World Fantasy Award” listing mis-attributed the formation of the judging panel to WorldCon; this has been corrected.

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