Now, I do want to acknowledge this ability to quit your job to pursue a passion or to demand more from your workplace is infinitely more difficult for those who are already working minimum wage, who are ill and rely on their workplace for medical insurance, who don’t have a partner or a family or any savings to hold them up. Those who live paycheck to paycheck often are forced to endure difficult work environments with little room to fight against it for fear of losing their only income. If you’re thinking about taking the leap to pursue an artistic passion, start a freelance career, or set out on your own business endeavor but want a few books to inspire you and maybe teach you a few things along the way, check out these eight books about quitting your job. There are a few fiction books about quitting your job to show you the happy ending that might be waiting for you, memoirs from people who have done it in real life, and a few practical nonfiction books about quitting your job with lessons to learn. Interested in further reading about quitting your job, finding your passion, and doing what you love? Try these 27 books about finding yourself or these modern career books for entrepreneurs and creatives! Or, if you’re interested in something more specific to your situation, check out Book Riot’s Tailored Book Recommendation (TBR) service. With options to receive 3 recommendations via email or have hardcovers of the recommendations sent to you, you fill out a survey with your habits, your preferences, and exactly what you’re looking for (or a vague idea) and you’ll get personalized recommendations from a bibliologist!

Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 54Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 14Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 74Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 81Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 57Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 63Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 15Considering Quitting Your Job  Read These First  - 4