Aries (March 21–April 19)

You love a brand new year and fresh new planner to track out your goals and achievements. You’re ready to start the year with a bang. January will be full of opportunities and potential for you to hit the ground running. But your focus on career and personal goals may cause tension at home. Make sure your loved ones don’t feel left out as you make big strides. You might enjoy A Long Petal of the Sea (January 21, Ballantine) by the queen of magical realism, Isabel Allende. In the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, a pregnant widow and her husband’s brother escape to a new life in Chile. Throughout the rest of their lives, they try to escape the ghosts of their past and find somewhere that feels like home.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

You want to make 2020 your best year yet, and you’ll start it out with plenty of energy and excitement. Big ideas and collaboration are on your side to reach your goals at work. But your ambition may lead you to make some impulsive decisions this month. Don’t be too hasty when making big moves in January, particularly in your romantic life. Beware beautiful people with bad intentions. Read Rachel Maddow: A Biography (January 7, Thomas Dunne Books) by Lisa Rogak. Cable news anchor Rachel Maddow has changed the world of political reporting with her engaging, well-researched style. This biography thoughtfully explores how she became the legend she is today.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Creativity is the key to your success this month, Gemini. You’re at your best while thinking outside the box, and that will serve you well as you start the new year. January is also the perfect time to socialize and gain inspiration by meeting new people. Creative thinking and going to parties may feel like an odd way to start the year, but patience is key to reaching your goals this month. Check out Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick (January 14, Amistad), a collection of short stories by Zora Neale Hurston. This collection, including eight “lost” Harlem Renaissance tales, beautifully represents the African American folk culture of Hurston’s iconic work.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Money may be tight this month, but you will be rich in experiences and quality time. You will find great joy with your family as the year begins, and romantic love is passionate in January. It may be time to take a romantic relationship to the next level. Your job is off to a great start for 2020, positioning you for a promotion later in the year. Enjoy where you are right now, as big changes are coming. I recommend The Vineyards of Champagne (January 21, Berkley) by Juliet Blackwell. When Rosalyn travels to the Champagne region of France on business, she’s at a bit of a crossroads. But once she begins to learn the history of Champagne during World War I, she immerses herself in stories of living in caves during war time and those risking their lives to pick grapes for victory vintage wines.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Hold on tight, because your year is off to wild start. January will come at you fast, full of work drama, family excitement, and surprise encounters. Some of this may be stressful, but much of it will be positive. Risky choices may pay off this month. Your romantic life is also full of adventure, as potential partners are drawn to your energy in January. Embrace the unexpected! You might enjoy Dark and Deepest Red (January 14, Feiwel & Friends) by Anna-Marie McLemore. Five centuries ago in Strasbourg, a mysterious sickness caused women to dance in the street, sometimes until they died. Now, a strange pair of shoes are causing Rosella to dance uncontrollably. Could the same family blamed in 1518 be responsible again now?

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

The new year is here, and you’re ready to take charge of your life. January is the time to aggressively go after your goals. Virgos have natural leadership instincts; those skills will be a huge help in your professional life this month. You can also use your energy to help family and loved ones jumpstart the new year. Don’t be afraid to take the lead and follow your instincts. I recommend Dear Edward (January 6, Dial Press) by Ann Napolitano. After 12-year-old Edward becomes the sole survivor of a plane crash, he gains national attention and sympathy. But as life goes on after the crash, can he find joy following such unspeakable tragedy?

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Relationships will take work this month, Libra. Family conflict and office drama may give your year a rocky start. You’re the perfect peacemaker to set things right. Use your diplomatic instincts to resolve difficulties; your charm will can help lighten the mood. It’s also a great time for travel, so kick off the new year with a special trip. You may be rewarded with new insights. Check out Remembrance (January 21, Forge) by Rita Woods. An enslaved woman in 1791 Haiti, a teenager who escaped slavery in 1857 New Orleans, and an elderly woman in current day Ohio all have very different lives. But their stories are inextricably linked, and their lives are all touched by a bit of magic.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

I hope you got some rest over the holidays, because January will keep you very busy. Your month will be full of surprises, both good and bad. It may be difficult to deal with the uncertainty in your professional and personal life. Manage your emotions and look for opportunities for growth in unexpected places. If you grow frustrated, turn to a creative outlet to help relieve stress productively. Read A Beginning at the End (January 14, MIRA Books) by Mike Chen. Set in post-apocalyptic San Francisco, it follows four strangers brought together to rebuild after a global pandemic. But when news of another outbreak surfaces, are their delicate ties to each other enough to keep them fighting to survive?

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

As the new year begins, you want the freedom and autonomy to follow your own path. Unfortunately, the stars have other plans for you. You may struggle with red tape at work, or big personalities in your family life that constrain you. Channel your frustrations into planning the year ahead. It might be a good time to plan a big trip, or even look for a new career opportunity. You might enjoy F*ck Your Diet: And Other Things My Thighs Tell Me (January 7, Gallery Books) by comedian Chloé Hilliard. This hilarious and refreshing memoir takes on diet culture and the way society teaches us to think about our bodies. From junk food to the meat industry to standards of beauty, this book will not disappoint.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Happy Birthday, Capricorn! New year, new age, new you. You’re ready to make some big changes, and the stars are on your side in January. It is an auspicious time for new interests and projects. If a new opportunity presents itself to you, don’t be afraid to dive in. Your one pitfall this month will be family drama. Beware of sensitive topics to avoid damaging arguments. I recommend Long Bright River (January 7, Riverhead) by Liz Moore. Sisters Mickey and Kacey were once inseparable. Now out of touch, Mickey is a police officer and Kacey is addicted to opioids and living on the streets. When a string of murders surface and Kacey goes missing, Mickey will do anything to find her sister.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

As the new year begins, don’t be afraid to talk about what you want, Aquarius. You’ve spent some time reflecting over the past few months and you’re ready to share what you’ve learned. Express yourself to loved ones through deep conversation, or take advantage of a creative skill like art or writing. Self-expression now can help clarify and set your goals for the rest of the year. Check out The Vanished Birds (January 14, Del Rey Books) by Simon Jimenez. A young boy is rescued from a wrecked spaceship. While he cannot speak, he expresses himself through music from a wooden clarinet. A mysterious woman begins to care for him, and together they search across time and space for something like family.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Are you looking for new friends? Your positive energy is strong in January, drawing others to you. It’s a great time to meet new people, whether to grow your social circle or network for business purposes. Make connections with people who can support and teach you throughout the new year. Your charm may also be beneficial in romantic relationships this month. You might enjoy 19 Love Songs (January 7, Penguin Random House) by David Levithan. Each Valentine’s Day, Levithan writes a new short story to share with his friends. This collection includes 19 of those stories, including some familiar characters from past books, that celebrate love in all forms. Looking for more? Check out your October, November, and December horoscopes and book recommendations!

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