Orphan Black meets Margaret Atwood in this twisty supernatural thriller about female power and the bonds of sisterhood. The supernatural genre places magical creatures in real-world scenarios. When events cannot be explained by the natural sciences, you have found yourself in a supernatural novel among creatures like demons, ghosts, witches, and other powered beings. Now thrillers are a bit tricky to pin down. In a thriller, the stakes are high for a large group of people, the main character is threatened, and the plot builds to a point where the epic ploy is uncovered before the villain can cause a disaster. A thriller can have elements of mystery or horror contained within it, but it must have a plot that creates excitement, shock, anticipation, and anxiety. So we have made our way to the supernatural thriller sub-genre known for having magical creatures in a realistic setting with an exciting plot. The books create situations where the stakes are high because uncontrolled magic could destroy the world; your main character is in danger, but it could be a ghost, and the plot is building to a point where your protagonist must uncover the ploy or all hell will break loose. If this sounds like something you want to read, this is the quiz for you. I have selected a combination of supernatural baddies and unlikely heroes in these supernatural thrillers. I hope you may discover new a supernatural thriller to grace your shelves by placing yourself inside the book. The anticipation is killing me.

Quiz  Which Supernatural Thriller Should You Pick Up Next  - 3