Today’s tropetonite: The Famous Fake Fling. I’ve talked before about a very similar tropetonite: the fake relationship. But this is a very specific type of fake relationship — the famous fling. Famous flings can exist in any situation. Girl meets boy, boy turns out to be a famous athlete. Boy meets girl, girl is a celebrity influencer. The pair often have to deal with the more famous one’s position in the spotlight, though sometimes there’s a bit of a twist. And every time, they figure out their way to that coveted Happily Ever After.  But what if it’s not real…at least at the start? So many fake relationships in the greater romance world start because someone needs to present themselves in a certain light. What happens if one or both of those people is a celebrity? There are elements of famous life that make the story altogether different. Sometimes that makes things a little more dramatic; sometimes it eases things along. Any which way, they’re usually pretty delightful to read.    Here are some irresistible Famous Fake Flings to try out. What’s your favorite famous fake fling? Come tell me on the socials! (Side note, if you want more food and fake famous flings, there’s also Spicy Pickle — which sounds ridiculous in the best way.) (Want more between two actors? Check out Act Like It if you haven’t yet. Just freaking marvelous.) (Also, if you’re digging the royal romance thing, definitely check out A Prince on Paper by Alyssa Cole, which is just as delightful as this one!)

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